
From College Prep
to Future Prep
Cultivating Independent Thinkers

The MBacc prepares students for university admissions, success in higher education, and non-traditional educational pathways.

The Shifting Admissions Landscape

The college admissions landscape is undergoing its biggest shift in centuries. Standardized testing is becoming less important, with roughly 80 percent of colleges and universities in the United States no longer requiring SAT or ACT scores for incoming first-year applicants. AP test policies are also rapidly changing, with fewer universities accepting AP exams for college credit and some high schools doing away with AP courses altogether. Across the US, educators are questioning the value of high-stakes testing, while colleges are refining their admission processes to look beyond grades and better capture student engagement and preparedness.

A Strong Application Has More Than Good Grades

Personal skills and ethical character, not just traditional academic markers of achievement, are weighing more heavily in the admissions process than ever before. With the MBacc, high school students graduate with a robust, comprehensive set of skills that impart confidence and peace of mind for success as a strong university applicant with a high-caliber admissions application.

Traditional Pathways Are Changing

As trends in college admissions continue to rapidly evolve, high schools and colleges are forced to rethink the traditional high school to college transition. The MBacc is reinventing outdated high school education and broadening opportunities for non-traditional pathways. We wanted to begin the process of preparing new generations of leaders and innovators as early as possible, so we set out to enhance the prevailing college preparatory curricula.

A Standout Curriculum That Fosters Standout Applicants
The focus on interdisciplinary learning is a great preparation for a liberal arts college or any arts and sciences school, as students are exposed to so many new disciplines in college and having the framework to connect ideas across disciplines is critical to their ability to thrive in that setting.
Drew Riley
Director of Admission
Denison University
Integrated Preparation for More Than Just College

Ensuring student success goes beyond ensuring admission to college. It’s up to us, as educators, to think beyond college prep—it is our duty to embed personal development within our academic curricula. High school education should equip students with a holistic set of skills for whichever post-secondary path they choose.

We’ve designed a high school education that prepares young people to navigate an ever-evolving, complex world.

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Personal Skills That Matter

Rooted in long-standing research on the benefits of social and emotional learning, the MBacc’s built-in personal skills track gives students useful tools to manage stress and develop healthier attitudes about themselves and the world around them. MBacc students graduate with a framework for personal development and global citizenship.

Critical Skills for an Uncertain Future

MBacc students learn confidence, creative and critical thinking, and approach their studies, the world, and societal challenges through a uniquely interdisciplinary lens. MBacc students are better prepared to face uncertainty, and graduate with the skills they’ll need for jobs that don’t exist yet.

Real-World Impact

MBacc schools provide experiential opportunities for students to connect with local business, organizations, and projects that have a direct impact on local and global communities. The self-driven projects MBacc students undertake build character, integrity, and resilience, including a personal and community-based project related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Empowering Innovative Leaders

Applying concepts in multiple contexts is at the crux of the curriculum, empowering students to show up in college and their careers as better thinkers and more effective leaders. Students also leverage learning tools for interpersonal and group engagement, including strategy development, negotiation, and leadership.

Personal skills crop
Personal Skills That Matter
Critical skills crop
Critical Skills for an Uncertain Future
Real world impact crop
Real-World Impact
Innovative leaders crop
Empowering Innovative Leaders

The Minerva Baccalaureate improves class engagement and learning outcomes, preparing students to be more effective leaders, innovators, and global citizens.

Join us in reimagining the future of secondary education.
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